Sponsored by our supporters and UNICEF, JEN’s host community project launched a large scale assessment of all 3,545 public schools in Jordan.
[Training Session in JEN’s office]
Although JEN has already assessed more than 700 schools two years ago, there is still a necessity to conduct an assessment for the remaining schools in Jordan in order to identify priority intervention for those schools in addition to create and share a database with the Ministry of Education and Implementing Partners interested to work in those public schools.
The questionnaire of the assessment is very comprehensive and it covers various aspects of the schools environment including General information, Latrine facilities, Water system, Water quality, Water disposal and sewage system, and Hygiene and health practices promotion,
[Checking GPS devices in a school campus]
A total of 17 data collectors from nearly all governorates of Jordan have been participating in the assessment since it started in December 2014. Weekly meetings are being organized in JEN’s premises between data collectors and their supervisors in order to discuss and tackle issues that might come up while conducting the assessment in the schools. These weekly meetings are also important to the newly recruited data collectors in terms of sharing information and expertise which would eventually enhance their skills and knowledge in conducting similar surveys.
[Explaining how to duly fill a questionnaire in a school]
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